


What is CRM and What are its Benefits?

Most companies interact with a large volume of current and potential customers. Managing these customer relationships with manual systems is ineffective which is why companies tend to deploy the help of software solutions. But what exactly is customer relationship management (CRM) software, and what are the benefits for your business? Understanding the Scope of CRM […]

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Should we Insource or Outsource our IT Department?

Provisioning IT services to large enterprises requires a lot of skill and inevitably involves substantial costs. Many companies consider outsourcing IT in an effort to save costs, but outsourcing brings challenges of its own. Plus, the cost debate is not always all that clear cut when it comes to outsourcing IT provisioning. So, should your company insource or outsource IT? Here are a few points to consider.

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The Top 10 Success Factors for a Successful ERP Implementation

Any system is only as good as its implementation. But which factors lead to success in adopting a new technology or an upgraded version of an existing solution? Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software has a well-deserved reputation for transforming businesses, but outcomes vary. We think these are the ten top success factors that can ensure […]

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How AI Will Transform Companies

Much of everyday life has moved online, so it would seem a reasonable expectation that paying taxes and ordering government services will be equally convenient. Besides, e-government can bring economic growth too.

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How Should the Government Decide Which Digital Services to Build First?

Much of everyday life has moved online, so it would seem a reasonable expectation that paying taxes and ordering government services will be equally convenient. Besides, e-government can bring economic growth too.

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Best of Breed vs Best of Suite? What’s Better? When Should You Pick One Over the Other?

Larger businesses and enterprises use software packages to automate countless functional areas. Doing so involves a key choice: does a business choose the best application for the job for each and every functional area, even if it involves dealing with multiple vendors?

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How Do You Calculate the ROI of a New Business Application?

When investing in business applications the gains and costs cannot always easily be boiled down to numbers, making ROI difficult to implement as a measure. Your new business application can bring enormous benefits, some of which will be easy to calculate but some of benefits can’t easily be assigned a numerical value.

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Data is Now an Organization’s Differentiator – and a Goldmine

It’s hard to argue against the proposition that operating as a data-driven organisation is no longer a choice but indeed a necessity. Businesses that ignore data will struggle to survive against their competitors which almost inevitably do take data seriously.

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Digital Transformation: Benefits and Steps to Success

What is digital transformation and what are the benefits? Keep reading to understand how harnessing the latest wave of digitization can have real benefits for your enterprise.

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